Automatic tuning advice for a specified SQL_ID
A SQL*Plus script for tuning a query using dbms_sqltune
Let's say you have a poorly performing SQL statement in your production system. Due to the requirements for an audit trail and so on, DBAs cannot just go to Enterprise Manager and press the button - they need a named script in the support ticket.
Or maybe this is just a dev/test system, but copying and pasting the SQL statement onto the SQL*Plus command line changes the SQL ID. Or you have identified the ID anyway, and so it's just more convenient to specify it. Either way, now you can simply run something like:
@tune_sql_id dnrtsnqgfqzsz
This will run a dbms_sqltune
tuning task,
just as Enterprise Manager would, and display the recommendations, together
with instructions for applying them. (It doesn't actually make any changes itself, other than defining the tuning task.)
Tested in
-- Script to submit SQL_ID to Oracle SQL Tuning Advisor (DBMS_SQLTUNE). -- Usage: @tune_sql_id [SQL ID] -- -- e.g. @tune_sql_id dnrtsnqgfqzsz -- @tune_sql_id dnrtsnqgfqzsz 10 -- -- Requires ADVISOR system privilege to run tuning task. Requires CREATE ANY SQL PROFILE to apply a profile. -- -- -- If DBMS_SQLTUNE finds an improved plan the recommendations section will include a note like this: -- -- SQL Profile Finding (see explain plans section below) -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- A potentially better execution plan was found for this statement. -- -- This script captures the recommendation and generates a PL/SQL block which it displays at the end, accompanied by a backout statement. -- Copy and paste the generated statement onto the command line and execute it. -- Execution plans will then include a note that the profile was applied. The profile can also be found in DBA_SQL_PROFILES. set term off autoprint off set define '&' var minutes number var taskname varchar2(50) var recommendations clob var plsql_call varchar2(4000) var plsql_backout varchar2(4000) store set sqlplus_settings.sql replace col 1 new_value 1 col 2 new_value 2 select '' as "1", 0 as "2" from dual where 1=2; def sql_id = '&1' def minutes = '&2' set term on set feedback off set verify off set serverout on size 200000 set autotrace off set autoprint off set long 50000 set linesize 170 pagesize 999 set longchunksize 170 col recommendations format a120 word exec dbms_lob.createtemporary(:recommendations, true); begin if '&minutes' > 0 then :minutes := to_number('&minutes'); else :minutes := 10; end if; dbms_output.put_line('Running tuning advisor for maximum of ' || :minutes || ' minute' || case when :minutes > 1 then 's' end || '.'); dbms_output.put_line('Check progress using the following query:'); dbms_output.new_line(); dbms_output.put_line ( 'select * from dba_advisor_log where owner = ''' || user || '''' || chr(10) || 'and execution_start >= to_date(''' || to_char(sysdate,'YYYYMMDD HH24:MI:SS') || ''',''YYYYMMDD HH24:MI:SS'');' ); end; / declare k_sql_id constant v$sqlstats.sql_id%type := '&sql_id'; k_taskname constant varchar2(50) := user || '_' || k_sql_id; v_task varchar2(30); v_priv_check integer := 0; begin :taskname := k_taskname; select count(*) into v_priv_check from user_sys_privs p where p.privilege in ('ADVISOR','OEM_ADVISOR'); if v_priv_check = 0 then :recommendations := 'ADVISOR or OEM_ADVISOR system privilege is required to use the DBMS_SQLTUNE tuning task procedures.'; else -- Drop the task in case we are re-running for same SQL ID: -- (also double-checks for privilege) declare no_advisor_privs exception; pragma exception_init(no_advisor_privs, -13616); no_such_tuning_task exception; pragma exception_init(no_such_tuning_task, -13605); begin dbms_sqltune.drop_tuning_task(k_taskname); exception when no_advisor_privs then dbms_output.put_line('The current user has not been granted the ADVISOR privilege.'); when no_such_tuning_task then null; end; -- Create a SQL Tuning task for our SQL... v_task := dbms_sqltune.create_tuning_task ( sql_id => k_sql_id , time_limit => :minutes * 60 , scope => 'COMPREHENSIVE' , task_name => k_taskname , description => 'Created on ' || to_char(sysdate,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI') || ' using tune_sql_id.sql' ); dbms_sqltune.execute_tuning_task(k_taskname); :recommendations := dbms_sqltune.report_tuning_task(k_taskname); if :recommendations like '%dbms_sqltune.accept_sql_profile%' then -- Parse out the call to DBMS_SQLTUNE: :plsql_call := 'exec' || ' ' || regexp_replace(regexp_substr(:recommendations,'dbms_sqltune.accept_sql_profile[^;]+;', 1,1,'n'),'\s+',' '); -- Add 'name' parameter reusing the task name as the profile name (otherwise it will be generated as e.g. SYS_SQLPROF_014afcf1d566c005): :plsql_call := replace(:plsql_call,');', ', name => ''' || k_taskname || ''');'); :plsql_backout := 'exec dbms_sqltune.drop_sql_profile(''' || k_taskname || ''');'; else :plsql_call := '[No SQL profile to apply]'; :plsql_backout := '[No SQL profile to back out]'; end if; end if; end; / col spoolfile new_value spoolfile select 'tuning_advice_'||:taskname||'.txt' as spoolfile from dual; spool &spoolfile set term on set feed off select :recommendations "Recommendations:" from dual; set heading off prompt prompt Execute the following PL/SQL block to apply the recommended SQL profile: select :plsql_call from dual; prompt prompt prompt To back out this change, execute the following PL/SQL block: select :plsql_backout from dual; prompt prompt Recommendations saved to file &spoolfile spool off set term off begin dbms_lob.freetemporary(:recommendations); end; / undefine 1 undefine sql_id @sqlplus_settings.sql set term on