Ref cursor to CSV converter
This is a utility for producing character-delimited output from SQL.
So SQL*Plus 12.2 has aset markup csv
option, and SQL Developer has a
/* csv */
magic comment, but here is how to do it if you don't have either of those, or can't use them in your batch process and need a pure PL/SQL solution.
Plug any SQL query into the cursor()
expression using the table function below, and get back the results in delimited format
(default is comma, but you can pass something different as p_separator
- The column list is printed as a heading if you pass
p_heading => 'Y'
. (Default is no heading.) - Each data row will be preceded by an optional label if you pass
p_label => '<Label Text>'
. (Default is no label.) - The row count is printed at the end if you pass
p_rowcount => 'Y'
(Default is no footer.)
Procedure write_file()
writes the output to the specified file.
select column_value from table( select * from dept ))); COLUMN_VALUE ---------------------------------------------- 10,ACCOUNTING,NEW YORK 20,RESEARCH,DALLAS 30,SALES,CHICAGO 40,OPERATIONS,BOSTON 4 rows selected.
select column_value from table( select * from dept ), p_separator => '|', p_label => 'DEPT', p_rowcount => 'Y')); COLUMN_VALUE ---------------------------------------------- DEPT|10|ACCOUNTING|NEW YORK DEPT|20|RESEARCH|DALLAS DEPT|30|SALES|CHICAGO DEPT|40|OPERATIONS|BOSTON ROW_COUNT|DEPT|4 5 rows selected.
select column_value from table( select * from dept ), p_separator => '|', p_label => 'DEPT', p_heading => 'Y', p_rowcount => 'Y')); COLUMN_VALUE ---------------------------------------------- HEADING|DEPT|DEPTNO|DNAME|LOC DEPT|10|ACCOUNTING|NEW YORK DEPT|20|RESEARCH|DALLAS DEPT|30|SALES|CHICAGO DEPT|40|OPERATIONS|BOSTON ROW_COUNT|DEPT|4 6 rows selected.
Write the same results to a file named dept.csv
declare l_dataset sys_refcursor; begin open l_dataset for select * from dept; csv.write_file ( p_dataset => l_dataset , p_separator => '|', p_label => 'DEPT', p_heading => 'Y', p_rowcount => 'Y' , p_directory => 'DATA_FILE_DIR' , p_filename => 'dept.csv' ); end;
Requires dbms_sql.to_cursor_number
, added in Oracle 11.2.
I have only supported the basic string, numeric and datetime types, and just for fun, rowid. (Timestamps are cast to dates.)
I may see if I can add intervals, although sadly nobody will ever use those for table columns until Oracle get around to
overloading the aggregate functions for them.
CLOBs are supported internally, but the function returns a collection of varchar2(4000)
which you would need to change if you
needed to report longer lines.
Then there are things like BLOBs, XMLTYPEs, VARRAYs and user-defined types that would probably take quite a bit more effort, and
I am not sure it's worth it.
Dates are formatted YYYY-MM-DD
if there is no significant time component (i.e. if the time is 00:00:00
if there is (formats are defined as private constants).
If you need something different, either change the constants or use to_char()
expressions in your SQL.
It'll break if you exceed the limitations of the SQL VARCHAR2
datatype, which is 4000 until Oracle 12.1
where it can be increased up to 32k by setting
(though as this is a system-wide setting that isn't easily undone, I suspect few sites will use it).
Here's the code. (There's also a link to csv.pkg at the bottom of the page.)
create or replace package csv as -- William Robertson 2018, g_dflt_separator varchar2(10) := ','; g_label_in_header boolean := true; g_label_in_footer boolean := true; -- Lines > 4K require a custom collection type to support CLOBs (also grant EXECUTE on the type to suitable roles and/or users): -- create or replace type clob_tt as table of clob; -- Returns cursor results in character-delimited format with optional header, data label and rowcount. -- -- select column_value -- from table( -- select * from dept -- ))); -- -- COLUMN_VALUE -- ---------------------------------------------- -- 10,ACCOUNTING,NEW YORK -- 20,RESEARCH,DALLAS -- 30,SALES,CHICAGO -- 40,OPERATIONS,BOSTON -- -- 4 rows selected. function report ( p_dataset in sys_refcursor , p_separator in varchar2 default g_dflt_separator , p_label in varchar2 default null , p_heading in varchar2 default 'N' , p_rowcount in varchar2 default 'N' ) return sys.ku$_vcnt -- generic string array: use your own if you prefer pipelined; -- Write output to a file procedure write_file ( p_dataset in sys_refcursor , p_separator in varchar2 default g_dflt_separator , p_label in varchar2 default null , p_heading in varchar2 default 'N' , p_rowcount in varchar2 default 'N' , p_directory in all_directories.directory_name%type , p_filename in varchar2 ); end csv; / create or replace package body csv as -- William Robertson 2018, g_typenames dbms_utility.name_array; g_supported_types dbms_utility.name_array; k_format_dateonly constant varchar2(10) := 'YYYY-MM-DD'; k_format_datetime constant varchar2(21) := 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'; k_heading_label constant varchar2(50) := 'HEADING'; k_footer_label constant varchar2(50) := 'ROW_COUNT'; -- Record for parsing a column's value: type column_data is record ( stringval long , clobval clob , numval number , dateval date , rowidval rowid ); -- Utility for parsing ref cursor. Pass in ref cursor, get back DBMS_SQL cursor number, column list. procedure prepare_cursor ( p_dataset in sys_refcursor , p_cursor_id out integer , p_cursor_columns out nocopy dbms_sql.desc_tab2 ) -- For 12.2 longer column names - revert to dbms_sql.desc_tab for 12.1 or earlier is l_extract_query sys_refcursor := p_dataset; l_col_count integer; l_dummy_number number; l_dummy_date date; l_dummy_string varchar2(4000); l_dummy_clob clob; l_dummy_rowid rowid; begin p_cursor_id := dbms_sql.to_cursor_number(l_extract_query); dbms_sql.describe_columns2(p_cursor_id, l_col_count, p_cursor_columns); -- For 12.2 longer column names - revert to dbms_sql.describe_columns2 for 12.1 or earlier -- Define columns to be selected from the cursor -- (third parameter passed to dbms_sql.define_column is just to provide datatype - no actual value is used here) for i in 1 .. p_cursor_columns.count loop begin if not g_supported_types.exists(p_cursor_columns(i).col_type) then -- Datatype is known but will not work in this extract e.g. BLOB, BFILE: raise_application_error(-20001, 'Unsupported datatype ' || g_typenames(p_cursor_columns(i).col_type) || ' for column ' || p_cursor_columns(i).col_name, false); elsif p_cursor_columns(i).col_type = dbms_types.typecode_number then dbms_sql.define_column(p_cursor_id, i, l_dummy_number ); elsif g_typenames(p_cursor_columns(i).col_type) like '%CHAR%' then dbms_sql.define_column(p_cursor_id, i, l_dummy_string, 4000 ); elsif g_typenames(p_cursor_columns(i).col_type) like '%ROWID' then dbms_sql.define_column_rowid(p_cursor_id, i, l_dummy_rowid); elsif regexp_like(g_typenames(p_cursor_columns(i).col_type), '^(DATE|TIME)') then dbms_sql.define_column(p_cursor_id, i, l_dummy_date ); elsif g_typenames(p_cursor_columns(i).col_type) = 'CLOB' then dbms_sql.define_column(p_cursor_id, i, l_dummy_clob); else -- Attempt default implicit string conversion for anything else: dbms_sql.define_column(p_cursor_id, i, l_dummy_string, 4000 ); end if; exception when no_data_found then -- Datatype is not in list - we should probably add it, but will need to test whether DBMS_SQL handles it: raise_application_error(-20002, 'Unknown datatype ' || p_cursor_columns(i).col_type || ' for column ' || p_cursor_columns(i).col_name, false); end; end loop; end prepare_cursor; -- Close DBMS_SQL cursor by cursor ID, suppressing any 'invalid cursor' exception. procedure close_dbms_sql_cursor ( p_cursor_id in out integer ) is begin if dbms_sql.is_open(p_cursor_id) then dbms_sql.close_cursor(p_cursor_id); end if; exception when invalid_cursor then null; end close_dbms_sql_cursor; function quote ( p_text in varchar2 , p_separator in varchar2 ) return varchar2 is quoted_text long := replace(trim(p_text),'"','\"'); -- Escape any doublequote begin return case when instr(p_text,p_separator) > 0 or instr(p_text,chr(10)) > 0 then '"'||quoted_text||'"' else quoted_text end; end quote; -- Append one column value from dbms_sql.column_value to result according to its datatype: procedure append_value ( p_cursor_id in pls_integer , p_colnum in pls_integer , p_col_type in pls_integer , p_separator in varchar2 default g_dflt_separator , p_result_row in out nocopy long ) is k_typename constant varchar2(40) := g_typenames(p_col_type); l_column_values column_data; begin if k_typename like '%CHAR%' or k_typename like '%ROWID' then dbms_sql.column_value(p_cursor_id, p_colnum, l_column_values.stringval); pragma inline (quote, 'YES'); p_result_row := p_result_row || quote(l_column_values.stringval, p_separator); elsif k_typename = 'NUMBER' then dbms_sql.column_value(p_cursor_id, p_colnum, l_column_values.numval); p_result_row := p_result_row || rtrim(to_char(l_column_values.numval,'fm9999999999999999999999999990.999999999999'),'.'); elsif regexp_like(k_typename, '^(DATE|TIME)') then dbms_sql.column_value(p_cursor_id, p_colnum, l_column_values.dateval); if l_column_values.dateval = trunc(l_column_values.dateval) then p_result_row := p_result_row || to_char(l_column_values.dateval,k_format_dateonly); else p_result_row := p_result_row || to_char(l_column_values.dateval,k_format_datetime); end if; elsif k_typename = 'ROWID' then dbms_sql.column_value(p_cursor_id, p_colnum, l_column_values.rowidval); p_result_row := p_result_row || rowidtochar(l_column_values.rowidval); elsif k_typename = 'CLOB' then dbms_sql.column_value(p_cursor_id, p_colnum, l_column_values.clobval); p_result_row := p_result_row || quote(l_column_values.clobval, p_separator); else -- For anything else attempt to dump into a long string: dbms_sql.column_value(p_cursor_id, p_colnum, l_column_values.stringval); p_result_row := p_result_row ||l_column_values.stringval; end if; if length(p_result_row) > 4000 then raise_application_error(-20005, 'Output line beginning "' || substr(p_result_row,1,50) ||'" is too long (max: 4000, actual: ' || length(p_result_row) ); end if; end append_value; -- Reusable extract function - -- Handles delimiting and date formatting automatically, just pass in a normal cursor function report ( p_dataset in sys_refcursor , p_separator in varchar2 default g_dflt_separator , p_label in varchar2 default null , p_heading in varchar2 default 'N' , p_rowcount in varchar2 default 'N' ) return sys.ku$_vcnt pipelined is l_rowcount integer := 0; l_cursor_id integer; l_cursor_columns dbms_sql.desc_tab2; -- For 12.2 longer column names - revert to dbms_sql.desc_tab2 for 12.1 or earlier l_heading long; l_result_row long; begin if regexp_like(p_separator,'^[A-Z0-9"]$') then raise_application_error(-20003, 'Invalid separator "'||p_separator||'"', false); elsif p_label in (k_heading_label, k_footer_label) then raise_application_error(-20004, 'Data label cannot be same as header label ("'||k_heading_label||'") or footer label ("'||k_footer_label||'")', false); end if; -- Convert the ref cursor into a DBMS_SQL cursor number and parse the columns prepare_cursor(p_dataset, l_cursor_id, l_cursor_columns); -- Print header row if regexp_like(p_heading,'^Y(ES)?$', 'i') then for i in 1 .. l_cursor_columns.count loop l_heading := l_heading || l_cursor_columns(i).col_name || p_separator; end loop; l_heading := rtrim(l_heading,p_separator); if p_label is not null and g_label_in_header then l_heading := k_heading_label || p_separator || p_label || p_separator || l_heading; end if; pipe row(l_heading); end if; -- Fetch and print the rows: while dbms_sql.fetch_rows(l_cursor_id) > 0 loop if p_label is not null then l_result_row := p_label || p_separator; else l_result_row := null; end if; for i in 1 .. l_cursor_columns.count loop pragma inline(append_value, 'YES'); append_value(l_cursor_id, i, l_cursor_columns(i).col_type, p_separator, l_result_row ); if i < l_cursor_columns.count then l_result_row := l_result_row || p_separator; end if; end loop; l_rowcount := l_rowcount +1; pipe row(l_result_row); end loop; close_dbms_sql_cursor(l_cursor_id); -- If no rows, return a row with null values e.g. 'THELABEL|||' if l_rowcount = 0 then if p_label is not null then pipe row(p_label || rpad(p_separator, l_cursor_columns.count, p_separator)); else pipe row(rpad(p_separator, l_cursor_columns.count -1, p_separator)); end if; end if; -- Print footer if regexp_like(p_rowcount,'^Y(ES)?$', 'i') then pipe row(k_footer_label|| p_separator || case when p_label is not null and g_label_in_footer then p_label || p_separator end || l_rowcount); end if; return; exception -- Logger captures error details so you don't have to when no_data_needed then -- Fetching was cancelled before end of cursor close_dbms_sql_cursor(l_cursor_id); return; end report; function directory_path ( p_directory all_directories.directory_name%type ) return all_directories.directory_path%type is l_path all_directories.directory_path%type; begin select d.directory_path into l_path from all_directories d where d.directory_name = p_directory; return l_path; exception when no_data_found then return null; end directory_path; -- Write output to a file procedure write_file ( p_dataset in sys_refcursor , p_separator in varchar2 default g_dflt_separator , p_label in varchar2 default null , p_heading in varchar2 default 'N' , p_rowcount in varchar2 default 'N' , p_directory in all_directories.directory_name%type , p_filename in varchar2 ) is l_file utl_file.file_type; k_dir_path constant all_directories.directory_path%type := directory_path(p_directory); begin if k_dir_path is null then raise_application_error(-20006, 'Directory object '''||p_directory||''' is not defined.'); end if; begin l_file := utl_file.fopen ( filename => p_filename , location => p_directory , open_mode => 'w' , max_linesize => 4000 ); exception when utl_file.invalid_operation then raise_application_error(-20007, 'File '''||p_filename||''' could not be opened in directory '||p_directory||' ('||k_dir_path||')', true); when utl_file.invalid_path then raise_application_error(-20008, 'File location '||p_directory||' ('||k_dir_path||') is invalid.', true); when utl_file.invalid_filename then raise_application_error(-20009, 'Filename '''||p_filename||''' is invalid.', true); end; for r in ( select column_value from table(, p_separator, p_label, p_heading, p_rowcount)) ) loop begin utl_file.put_line(l_file, r.column_value); exception when utl_file.write_error then raise_application_error(-20010, 'Operating system error occurred writing to file '''||p_filename||'''.'); end; end loop; utl_file.fclose(l_file); if p_dataset%isopen then begin close p_dataset; exception when invalid_cursor then null; end; end if; end write_file; begin -- Copied from dbms_types/dbms_sql: -- See also - does not exactly match dbms_types. -- We can also test examples using dump e.g. "select dump(dummy) from dual" shows type = 1 g_typenames(1) := 'VARCHAR2'; -- dbms_types.typecode_varchar - but use dbms_sql.varchar2_type g_typenames(2) := 'NUMBER'; -- dbms_types.typecode_number; dbms_sql.number_type g_typenames(8) := 'LONG'; -- dbms_sql.long_type g_typenames(9) := 'VARCHAR2'; -- dbms_types.typecode_varchar2 g_typenames(11) := 'ROWID'; -- dbms_sql.rowid_type g_typenames(12) := 'DATE'; -- dbms_types.typecode_date (Stored date); dbms_sql.date_type g_typenames(13) := 'DATE'; -- Generated date e.g. SYSDATE g_typenames(23) := 'RAW'; -- dbms_sql.raw_type g_typenames(24) := 'LONGRAW'; -- dbms_sql.long_raw_type g_typenames(58) := 'OPAQUE'; -- dbms_types.typecode_opaque g_typenames(95) := 'RAW'; -- dbms_types.typecode_raw g_typenames(96) := 'CHAR'; -- dbms_types.typecode_char; dbms_sql.char_type g_typenames(100) := 'BFLOAT'; -- dbms_types.typecode_bfloat; dbms_sql.binary_float_type g_typenames(101) := 'BDOUBLE'; -- dbms_types.typecode_bdouble dbms_sql.binary_double_type g_typenames(104) := 'UROWID'; -- dbms_types.typecode_urowid g_typenames(105) := 'MLSLABEL'; -- dbms_types.typecode_mlslabel g_typenames(106) := 'MLSLABEL'; -- dbms_sql.mlslabel_type g_typenames(108) := 'OBJECT'; -- dbms_types.typecode_object g_typenames(109) := 'UDT'; -- dbms_sql.user_defined_type g_typenames(110) := 'REF'; -- dbms_types.typecode_ref g_typenames(111) := 'REF'; -- dbms_sql.ref_type g_typenames(112) := 'CLOB'; -- dbms_types.typecode_clob dbms_sql.clob_type g_typenames(113) := 'BLOB'; -- dbms_types.typecode_blob dbms_sql.blob_type g_typenames(114) := 'BFILE'; -- dbms_types.typecode_bfile g_typenames(115) := 'CFILE'; -- dbms_types.typecode_cfile g_typenames(122) := 'NAMEDCOLLECTION'; -- dbms_types.typecode_namedcollection g_typenames(180) := 'TIMESTAMP'; -- dbms_sql.timestamp_type g_typenames(181) := 'TIMESTAMP_TZ'; -- dbms_sql.timestamp_with_tz_type g_typenames(182) := 'INTERVAL YM'; -- dbms_sql.interval_year_to_month_type g_typenames(183) := 'INTERVAL'; -- dbms_sql.interval_day_to_second_type g_typenames(187) := 'TIMESTAMP'; -- dbms_types.typecode_timestamp g_typenames(188) := 'TIMESTAMP_TZ'; -- dbms_types.typecode_timestamp_tz (Generated timestamp with timezone e.g. SYSTIMESTAMP) g_typenames(189) := 'INTERVAL_YM'; -- dbms_types.typecode_interval_ym g_typenames(190) := 'INTERVAL_DS'; -- dbms_types.typecode_interval_ds g_typenames(208) := 'UROWID'; -- dbms_sql.urowid_type g_typenames(231) := 'TIMESTAMP_LTZ'; -- dbms_sql.timestamp_with_local_tz_type g_typenames(232) := 'TIMESTAMP_LTZ'; -- dbms_types.typecode_timestamp_ltz g_typenames(247) := 'VARRAY'; -- dbms_types.typecode_varray g_typenames(248) := 'TABLE'; -- dbms_types.typecode_table g_typenames(286) := 'NCHAR'; -- dbms_types.typecode_nchar g_typenames(287) := 'NVARCHAR2'; -- dbms_types.typecode_nvarchar2 g_typenames(288) := 'NCLOB'; -- dbms_types.typecode_nclob -- The types from the above list we can handle: -- (only checked after processing '%CHAR%' etc - this list is to exclude the more exotic datatypes) g_supported_types(1) := g_typenames(1); -- VARCHAR2 g_supported_types(2) := g_typenames(2); -- NUMBER g_supported_types(9) := g_typenames(9); -- VARCHAR2 g_supported_types(11) := g_typenames(11); -- ROWID g_supported_types(12) := g_typenames(12); -- DATE (stored) g_supported_types(13) := g_typenames(13); -- DATE (generated) g_supported_types(96) := g_typenames(96); -- CHAR what is it good for, absolutely nothing g_supported_types(104) := g_typenames(104); -- UROWID g_supported_types(112) := g_typenames(112); -- CLOB g_supported_types(180) := g_typenames(180); -- TIMESTAMP (dbms_sql.timestamp_type) g_supported_types(181) := g_typenames(181); -- TIMESTAMP_TZ (dbms_sql.timestamp_with_tz_type) g_supported_types(187) := g_typenames(187); -- TIMESTAMP (dbms_types.typecode_timestamp) g_supported_types(188) := g_typenames(188); -- TIMESTAMP_TZ (dbms_types.typecode_timestamp_tz) g_supported_types(231) := g_typenames(231); -- TIMESTAMP_LTZ (dbms_sql.timestamp_with_local_tz_type) g_supported_types(232) := g_typenames(232); -- TIMESTAMP_LTZ (dbms_types.typecode_timestamp_ltz) g_supported_types(286) := g_typenames(286); -- NCHAR what is it ngood for etc g_supported_types(287) := g_typenames(287); -- NVARCHAR2 end csv; /
Further reading: method 4 dynamic sql in pl/sql